Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted a new blog in a while. A lot of stuff has been going on. But now I am back for at least a little while I hope.

Motherhood. When someone mentions that word to you you think of a woman taking care of her kids by giving them their basic needs. Motherhood is probably one of the single most stressful jobs on the face of this earth. Screw those office jobs. Let me tell you, motherhood is the most taxing, but the most rewarding jobs out there.
But motherhood isn't always cupcakes and daisies. There are times where I want to lock myself away and scream. But it quickly fades.
To new mothers, I'm not the greatest at giving advice about parenthood because I am a new mom (my daughter is 20 months) but let me tell you something, you ARE NOT a bad mom by wanting to murder your kids. You ARE NOT. It's completely normal. Trust me, you will think it sometimes but the next second you will feel so blessed and lucky.
Guys, let me say this to you. Yes, we are the mom. But that doesn't mean that we have to do EVERYTHING. It takes 2 people to make a baby! Motherhood is stressful. If you don't want to help out at least make it so the girl isn't always stressed out.
Motherhood has so many rewards. I am so happy that I was blessed with my beautiful daughter. But remember, it's ok to be stressed and it's ok to want to kill your kids. Just don't follow through. Just remember that it won't always be like that. Do something that you like to do sometimes. Take a break and please remember it's not a bad thing to ask for help.
I hope that some of you take from this. Because it really is a hard job being a mom. Here is to all the mom's out there struggling to make it through and to the moms that are just proud to be a mom.
With that, I leave you with one of the joys of being a mother. I hope you enjoy and I will talk to you next time readers.